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Rising R&B songstress Chxrry22 reveals The Other Side as her debut EP while capturing the hearts and ears of listeners worldwide. In doing so, the trailblazing Toronto talent takes listeners on a musical thrill throughout the EP as she tells the bittersweet story of missing a past partner.
Black media seems to be more influential today than it has ever been and continues to grow beyond measure in the role that it plays in our lives. The scope of media today comes in many different mediums, each categorized by type and product. There is a seemingly endless variety to select from: film, television, music, magazine, newspapers, video & photography, radio, blogs and podcasts; and now the ever-increasing dominant distribution method of Social Media has crossed the threshold into direct human access and action. Over the last century major advancements and breakthroughs have delivered polished high-definition productions faster and more accessible than previous generations, and is broadcast worldwide.